The Job Interview Toolkit 2020-03-09T11:05:15+01:00

The Job Interview Toolkit: Exercises to Get You Fit for Your Interview

ISBN 978-0955968020

Price £3.99 Ebook £2.50

The Job Interview Toolkit is practical, easy to follow guide to preparing for interviews. It contains a selection of activities, organised in the five-step TAPAS programme, designed to get you fit to perform like a star on the day. Its easy to read format make it accessible to job seekers of all ages. Advisers will find ideas for working with their clients too.There are plenty of books about job interviews already on the market but this one is a bit different. For example it is:

  • short – only 126 pages
  • easy to read – short sections, illustrations and diagrams, examples and danger stories
  • practical – with things to do, questions to answer, spaces to draw in (if you like drawing), photos to comment on, things to practise with a friend. Most of us learn best by doing, so you will find a five-step programme of exercises to get you fit and ready for the interview (the really important facts are there too).
  • T-A-P-A-S – those are the five steps: Think – Analyse – Prepare – Adjust – Shine!…
  1. Think like an Employer – Understand what the interviewer is feeling, so that you can give them what they are looking for
  2. Analyse the Job – Make sure you understand the company and know what the job involves so you can show you are right for the job
  3. Prepare the Evidence – Gather evidence of your ability to do the job and then create convincing STAR stories to help the interviewers visualise you in the role
  4. Adjust your Image and Adjust your Mindset – Look the part as you walk through the door and believe in yourself so that you act the part.
  5. Shine like a Star – Make an impact, notice how people are responding and manage your performance at the beginning, middle and end of the interview

If you would like to buy multiple copies, or would like us to invoice you, please contact us on 0845 5197 571 or email us at £9.99 please click here to purchase your copy now …

A few words said about the book …

“I found it very good. Clear, to the point, easy to read, great examples….. really covers every detail. Even as I read it, I found myself remembering incidents and stories I could have used in previous interviews. I reread it from beginning to end before my last interview – and got the job!” Micky Waycot, Administrator