A psychometric assessment can give you reliable, objective information about a person in your organisation, or about a prospective new member. You’ll also find them invaluable for finding better ways of getting a team to work together. Often they are used when you’re :
• Recruiting new staff, by highlighting the areas to explore at interview that you may otherwise have missed. This can save costly and damaging mistakes.
• Identifying high flyers and top talent, and helping them to hone their skills and progress their careers.
• Helping team members explore their own behavioural style, so they understand how others see them and adapt their approach to work better. This can be critical: people don’t always recognise how their behaviour affects others, or how others prefer them to behave. Getting this right is the oil on the wheels of productivity.
The choice of tests can be bewildering, but we will help you choose the assessment that best meets your needs, whether it is about personality or ability, and will discuss the results and leave you with a full report. Popular choices include:
The Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)
Please note that we always adhere to the British Psychological Society’s Code of Conduct for Registered Test Users.
For more information, please email us on Hello@springdevelopment.net. or call 0845 5197 571