Press 2017-03-30T14:12:15+01:00

Julie Cooper Bio

Julie CooperJulie Cooper, author of Face to Face in the Workplace, is an innovative management trainer in the UK with 20 years experience of helping companies grow their people through her company, Spring Development. Her specialist area is helping managers develop their one to one skills. Her areas of expertise include assessment, employee development, education and training, guidance and interview techniques.

She has a background in career coaching and adult education and lives in a cottage on the edge of the Cotswolds. Julie is an established author. She has written or co-authored six books, many of which are on college reading lists and used to support staff through advice and management qualifications.

0845 5197 571


Press Releases 

June 2014 The most expensive book on Amazon?

January 2013 Business book celebrates first birthday with giveaway

November 2012 Business Conversations that work! Face to Face in the Workplace


National Press Coverage

Evening Standard ‘Can you delegate your anxiety?’ Expert opinion May 2014

Extract from Face to Face in the Workplace featured in The Sunday Times October 2012 ‘It’s good to be in the bosses face if you want promotion’

Guardian Careers guest article “the Art of Delegation: a How To Guide” October 2012

HR Director Face to Face in the Workplace review Novemebr 2012 “This year’s Must Have book”

CMI (Chartered Management Institute) Management Challenge review of  Face to face in the workplace Strongly recommended for managers and leaders”

PA Life review of Face to Face in the workplace January 2014 “Easy to read, fun and a great source of advice”

ILM (Institute of Leadership and Management) Edge magazine review Face to Face in the Workplace October 2012 well laid-out, straightforward, upbeat, and pleasingly free of monstrous jargon.”

FMWF (Financial Mail Women’s Forum) guest article “How to handle your appraisal” October 2012

HR Zone review of Face to Face in the Workplace “Reviewing this book was a joy…” 

Management Issues Byline and book trailer October 2012

Practice Manager magazine book extract November 2012

Business Executive magazine Article on Mentoring March 2013


International Press Coverage

Nassau Guardian Face to Face in the Workplace review May 2015


Regional Press Coverage

Midlands in Business magazine article “Fifty shades of meaning: clearing the grey form people management” October 2012

Radio Horton Julie Cooper answers questions on people skills in business